Lateral Kindness

At kîwêtinohk maskwa our mission and goal is to decolonize mental health and improve wellness for our families and communities. As Indigenous Wellness Therapists we recognize this journey begins with each of us as individuals. 

For many years “lateral violence” has impacted us as individuals, families, and communities. Lateral violence is sometimes said to be the last stage of colonization when the colonizer no longer needs to be present, because the group of peoples colonized are taking themselves down. 

We ask you to make a personal pledge to not accept any gossip or criticism or speak in a bad way of others. With kindness you can walk away when a group is speaking in a harmful manner or if it is safe, you can ask others to stop the behaviour. We also ask you to step away from the concept of lateral violence and embrace lateral kindness as a daily action. 

Lateral kindness is congruent with many First Nations old ways and traditions. It focuses on the strengths and goodness we all hold. 

Consider these quotes by our founder, Noela. 

“Lateral Kindness is a personal action towards decolonizing and promoting Indigenous wellness”.     

“Lateral Kindness is your personal responsibility as an Indigenous person or ally”.      

 “Lateral Kindness is congruent with our traditional values and teachings”.

 “Lateral Kindness makes your ancestors proud of you”. 

“Lateral Kindness can’t erase colonization, historical trauma and international losses, it is a step towards reclaiming our old ways and traditions”.    

 “Lateral Kindness is what you remember about your kokum and mushum”.     

“Lateral Kindness will bring you peace at the end of the day”.    

“Lateral Kindness begins with you. Be good to yourself and love other people, regardless”.

“Lateral Kindness lives in your heart, and in every breath you take and word you speak, there is a great possibility for kindness”. 

“Lateral Kindness can decolonize our hearts and minds”.    

“Lateral Kindness lives inside of you. Embrace it. Share it”. 

Additional Resources: 
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Kindness at Work (